We shall be making a comparative nexus, as to why democracy in Uganda is better than democracy in the United States of America;
Democracy by dissection, entails the precept of electoral franchise. It took the United States 94 years, right from the Philadelphia declaration, to permit some categories of citizens to commence voting. It took the Nation of Uganda only 9 years , from the 1986 heroic inception of the NRM revolution, to sanctify the concept of universal adult suffrage in the 1995 constitution.
Press freedom is a configurative practice in advancing democracy. In the United States of America, no television, Radio or News paper can publish or utter anything in contravention of American sovereignty. If it does , then the stringent laws of the federal communications commission , will tag the media agency or media personality as a classified enemy of United States. In Uganda however, a TV, Radio, News paper or magazine from morning to sunset can publish or print whatsoever with no force of regulation
Democracy, is a true embodiment of feminine rights. It took the United States of America 100 years to come to a realism that women are human beings and deserve dignified treatment. Until the 19th amendment on August 18th 1920, United States policies like sterilisation of women were evident in American life. In the dimension of UGANDA’S democracy, no sooner had the Movement government assumed power in 1986, than women began rising in prominence that’s in cabinet, Judiciary, private sector etc
UGANDA’S heritage, as cherished by the NRM revolution, hold cultural diversity in high esteem. this is well exemplified by Bunyoro Kitara dynasty, Alur kingdom , Busoga kingdom, Buganda kingdom and Tooro kingdom etc. The United States of America, Premising on its 8 year revolutionary war, only perceives republicanism as a way of life , envisaging the 1773 Boston tea party defiance, where colonists denounced feudalism as exercised by British masters.
In a transparent democracy, any disenfranchisement like gunning down of civilians must be accounted for. In the year 2023 so far, thirteen thousand , nine hundred ( 13,900)citizens of United States have been gunned down in diverse American states due to gun violence, with no reprimand for culprits.
In the realm of UGANDA’S democracy, once an individual misuses a gun, the whole world is put to attention, with popular pressure put on government to urgently apprehend the criminal.
The doctrine of popular summation is a crown of 21st century democracy. For reasons concealed to the matrix of the United States, not more than 538 voters per state should vote for the President of the world’s super power.the same is well sanctified in the United Kingdom for the office of British Prime Minister , where only members of British Parliament hold an upper hand in the process.
Amazingly, the 37 year NRM revolution professes a democratic charter of liberty and equality , for all 18 year old and above citizens , worth while to vote for a fountain of honour , worth their choice.
(Mathias Lutwama is an African Nationalist. He is also Deputy Resident District Commissioner Kiboga- Sms 0786672301)
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