Watchdog Uganda journalism is funded by individuals and advertisers in businesses and organisations who share a belief in the power of quality content and responsible reporting.
All advertisers agree to support the spirit and ethics of independent journalism, and Watchdog Uganda strives to produce quality content and do responsible reporting.
Become one of our advertisers
To become an advertiser or a client of Watchdog Uganda, we have the following services;
- Digital banner ads
- Permanent Links
- Email adverts
- Sponsored content
- Social media influencing
- Associate publicity
- Photography solutions
- Video and filming
Contact us via email
Digital banner ads
Watchdog Uganda offers several placement options for high-resolution digital banner ads. We have a rotating system that can place multiple messages in a single spot, or claim 100 percent of a given placement by purchasing all available spots. Weekly pricing starts as low as $100.
360-degree imaging
Our professional photographers use cutting-edge cameras to provide your business with photography needs.
Email advertising
We have 5000 subscribers on Watchdog Uganda’s daily email newsletter which is a powerful marketing tool for companies and organizations seeking to reach busy people who don’t follow high paces news developments. We offer banner placements at the top of the email to run for as long as clients specify.
Sponsored Content as advertising
As part of our advertising, Watchdog Uganda works with individuals, companies and institutions who want to align their marketing strategies with our brand.
We support these entities tell their own stories or that of their product in an engaging, creatively and with clarity, to give readers more information about the given subject. Sponsored articles remain live online permanently.
Contact us via email Or check our rate card via this link.