By Eric Kashambuzi
As a Ugandan, Bobi Wine has the right to seek the highest political office in Uganda. At the same time the people of Uganda also have the right to assess whether or not he qualifies for the office.
Ugandans have not been given the opportunity to debate the characteristics of people who have led Uganda since independence in 1962.

Ben Kiwanuka is perhaps the only leader that wasn’t imposed and perhaps for this reason he was blocked from leading Ugandans into independence. Now we seem to have an opportunity to express our opinions about Uganda candidates preparing to challenge Museveni in 2021 presidential elections. Bobi Wine has already declared through The New York Times his intentions to run for president in 2021. Does he possess the qualities, the character, temperament, knowledge, experience and background for the office? Will he serve Ugandans or other interests? What have his actions so far reflected about him? Did his childhood upbringing prepare him adequately for public office at the highest level?
I have studied Bobi Wine and have already reported my assessment but more work is still in progress. We must research and report fairly. No biases or favors should be entertained.
My studies about Bobi Wine’s childhood show that they are similar to those under which Josef Stalin was raised — very difficult at home and on the streets.
This background impacted adversely on his adult life as a family man and leader of Russia where some 20 million people lost their lives.
Stalin targeted the kulaks or successful farmers for attack in order to mobilize resources for his industrialization program. They were killed, jailed or exiled to Siberia.
Bobi has targeted the old people for attack in order to mobilize the youth to support his campaign for president. His action is similar to Black Panther Movement that mobilized the youth in American ghettos to demand freedom and rejected non-violent means favored by their elders.
Bobi Wine and his team have turned their backs on the elderly that should be eliminated politically and economically. Bobi Wine should be studied closely together with Huey P. Newton, co-founder of Black Panther Movement in 1966.
The lessons could be learned to help us determine the suitability or otherwise of Bobi for the office of president in Uganda.
Bobi has been a follower of Bob Marley and his wife Rita of Jamaica that advocate violence through burning and looting properties, throwing baldheads out of town and shooting sheriffs. Already we have seen urban riots in Kampala City in particular.
The symbols Bobi has adopted of berets or round caps, red shirts and clenched fists are the same that Mussolini, a fascist, Che Guevara, a communist, and Mandela, a terrorist, and Black Panthers, armed revolutionaries have used. Is this the Uganda we want under the leadership of Bobi Wine who also seems more comfortable in the company of foreigners than of Ugandans?

Mobutu promoted music in Zaire to keep his people occupied as they were being exploited and marginalized, a technique that Bobi seems to be using to become richer while at the same time impoverishing his music fans and blind political supporters that may escort him to state house and then be abandoned as Madero did in Mexico in 1911.
These are a few highlights that might help us to assess and understand Bobi better before a definitive and informed decision is taken. Bobi has so far been influenced by outsiders more than by Ugandans. What is the implication should he become president? There are views circulating that Bobi needs 101 lessons in political science, communication, international relations and diplomacy. Your constructive views expressed in a civil and respectful manner are welcome.
This article first appeared on ERIC KASHAMBUZI’S facebook page
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