Today I appreciate that Worshipping is an expression of honor through extravagant love and extreme submission. Now we may know that love is affection cultivated between two parties and grows overtime through getting to know each other more; it is a deep connection between the respective parties.
Of Course, there are various kinds of love and those of us in love relationships know what we do for love. If you truly love someone, you will endeavour to do everything having them in mind to appease or make them happy. It is worthy to note that people worship different things including fellow human beings and money and in most cases because they expect favors out of their action. Therefore one must be aware that what we worship is some sort of ‘god’.
In the book of Genesis 1:31 in the Bible, we are clearly told that when God looked at what he had created, he was delighted for it was all good; i can imagine he was looking at the vegetation, forests, swamps, lakes, the animals, fish, birds etc. He was looking at nature and the environment and it is this good creation that God gave humanity to have dominion over. Furthermore for Christians, the Bible says in John 3:16 that ‘for God so greatly loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life’. Now you can see that God already exhibited his love by first giving us a beautiful world and later giving us his son to redeem us. Therefore as believers we have all reasons to worship Him.
Having that background, if you look at how we treat nature and our environment today, do we really love God? We claim to worship him through singing songs and hymns but yet our actions speak otherwise by the way we destroy his creation. Isn’t that what is called lip service? Can you look the other way when anyone abuses or disturbs the one you love? Why do we then look away when people are destroying the environment, cutting down forests, building in swamps, polluting the air & water bodies, littering everyspace, feeding bad, misusing their bodies and mismanaging aspects of life and creation?
Preservation of nature is not a privilege or responsibility of a selected few individuals or institutions and for Uganda’s case the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), National Forestry Authority (NFA) and National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) among others but for everyone who has reverence for GOD. Therefore every believer should be responsible for preservation of the same because careful management of God’s creation, nature and the environment is an expression of honor to God who looked at it and saw it was good; it is true worship!
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