In a groundbreaking move that is set to transform the lives of thousands of students, Prudential Uganda has forged an extraordinary partnership with Tusafishe, a non-governmental organization dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water.
The beneficiaries? Five schools nestled in the heart of the Mbale District: Nkoma Secondary School, Mbale High School, Nabuyonga Primary School, Mbale Progressive Secondary School, and Mbale Progressive Annex.
With a combined population of 14,722 ambitious young minds, these schools have grappled for far too long with the formidable challenge of securing clean water. Nkoma Secondary School, the largest among them, shoulders the weight of 6,500 eager students.
Tetteh Ayitevie, the visionary CEO of Prudential Uganda, declared, “This partnership exemplifies our unwavering commitment to building resilient communities. It’s in line with our purpose, ‘For every life, For every future,’ which speaks to our ambition to add value to the wider community, for a more sustainable, responsible, and inclusive future.”
Currently, the schools are forced to allocate approximately Ugx. 600,000 to acquire 15,000 kilograms of firewood, essential for purifying their water. This not only strains their finances but also leaves a lasting scar on the environment. Tetteh emphasized, “It’s our responsibility as corporate citizens to step forward and save the environment.”
Henry Othieno, the dedicated CEO of Tusafishe Limited, praised Prudential’s noble endeavor. He highlighted that a staggering 75% of diseases diagnosed at the Mbale Regional Referral Hospital are attributed to unsafe water consumption and poor hygiene.
Furthermore, a startling 69% of ailments diagnosed at the Nabumali Sick Bay are directly linked to the consumption of contaminated water. “I applaud Prudential for supporting the schools, as this will undoubtedly lead to healthier lives,” he remarked.
Traditional methods of water purification in schools, such as boiling, chlorine, and disinfecting tablets, come at a high environmental and financial cost. Many schools resort to requiring students to bring packaged water, placing a hefty burden on parents.
In a stroke of genius, Tusafishe has pioneered a transformative technology that not only purifies water but also protects the environment.
This cutting-edge water purification system has the capacity to cleanse up to 4,880 liters daily, eradicating up to a staggering 99.999% of all disease-causing pathogens.
To further fortify this initiative, aligning with Prudential’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy, over 3,000 Moringa tree seedlings will be distributed to communities surrounding the schools for planting. This action underscores the commitment towards long-term sustainability and climate change mitigation.
Prudential’s climate targets are nothing short of impressive: they include decarbonizing their own operations and investments, and partnering with investees on the journey towards transition. Their aim? Ensuring no one is left behind in this vital quest.
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