Since day one of his candidacy, Donald Trump has made it clear that he isn’t one for niceties.
And true to form, rather than waiting to accompany Melania as he exited the car at the White House last week to greet the Obama’s, he left her for dust and shot up the steps alone.
This un-gentlemnanly behavior was in marked contrast to his immediate predecessors, who have all calmly waited for their wives to reach their side before the inaugural greeting.
However, last week, Trump appeared so keen to meet Barack and Michelle Obama, that he dispensed with the pleasantries and left Melania and her Tiffany box at the curb.
Indeed, many have speculated that Michelle Obama’s stern expression at the steps was not for the gift she was presented, but merely her distaste for Trump’s lack of manners towards his wife.
After Trump had said hello to the pair with a cheeky handshake, the two couples smiled for the cameras.
But then Trump barreled through the door on his own, leaving Melania to be gently escorted by the Obama’s – who placed caring hands on her back to guide her.
Typically the incoming president will take the First Lady’s hand and guide her up the steps as the two shake hands with the former president and first lady in a customary show of peaceful transition of power.
The stiff body language between Melania and Donald has prompted many to wonder about their relationship.
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